Monthly Archives: November 2015

Dave Gray, Doodles, Visualization

Visual Design Gurus Who’ll Change the Way You See Things

This post covers contemporary visualizers, who are also exceptional instructional designers. And here’s a promise: These maestros will change the way you see the world. I use these precious gems to train new instructional designers on visualization.

Inge Druckery—“You’ll Really Learn to Look”

Look around you—Watch this visual poem—And look around you again. The world will have changed forever. You’ll see things that you never noticed before.

This stunning documentary brings together two visual design geniuses, Edward Tufte and his teacher Inge Druckery. 


Dave Gray—Yes, You Can Doodle

Dave Gray, Doodles, Visualization

If you can’t doodle, this resource resource is just for you. Dave Gray started, which was probably one of the first few companies that designed mind-blowing infographics for corporates. Through these videos Dave provides some simple tricks to help you doodle. You won't believe it was this easy all along.

The Link:


Barbara Tversky—Build Your Visual Vocabulary

Visualization follows its own vocabulary. Learn the language of visual design (especially comics) in this lecture from Barbara Tversky. She talks about visual devices that comics use to depict time and space.


Dean Vipond— How Would You Explain Graphic Design to Four Year Olds?

Dean Vipond, a brand and interaction designer, in this beautifully written blogpost, tells about his experience of teaching 4 year olds about visual design. He says, “for someone who specialises in explaining things to a target audience, how it took me doing a talk to children, to force me to confront my own profession, and explain its value in clear terms.” This post is a good primer in visual design.

The Link: